John Mounsey Thompson and Agnes Annie ThompsonSeptember 1888May 1900 |
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The school children of Northfield are invited to Mrs. J. M. Thompson's yard on Saturday at 3 o'clock to sing the National songs and to give the salute at 4 o'clock prompt. The will please bring their flags to wave and wear their national colors. The teachers are invited to be present also if convenient, as many as possible, to help arrange the children, and the friends to look on if they choose. Northfield News, October 22, 1892 |
The Womans Auxillary met at Mrs. J. M. Thompson's last week Friday and decided to fill a box for St. Barnabas hospital in Minneapolis by request of the matron through Mrs. C. W. Pye. Any persons having any underclothing or night shirts to give away or sheets and pillow cases, will be doing a good work for charity by sending them Mrs. J. M. Thompson to be put in the box. The school children of Northfield met in J. M. Thompsons yard on Saturday, Oct. 24, to sing the National songs and give the salute, and were afterwards treated to grapes and cookies by merchants of the town. The children gave three hearty cheers for Columbus, three for Spain, three for America, three for Northfield and three for the teachers of Northfield, three for the mothers that care for them, three for the fathers that support them and three for the red white and blue, and then a Marry Millers suggestion, three for Mrs. Thompson. Northfield News, October 29, 1892 |
J. M. Thompson was at home yesterday celebrating the 15th anniversary of his marriage. Everybody at the "three pines" had a good time. Northfield News, December 24, 1894 |
J. M. Thompson received, a few days ago, from a friend in London, a menu card or book of the Thanksgiving dinner given by the American society in that city. It is the most handsome piece of work of the kind we have ever seen and must have cost thousands of dollars to get it up. The book contains about two hundred pages and is beautifully bound in full Russia and gold. Northfield News, May 15, 1897 |
MRS. J. M. THOMPSON Former Resident of Northfield Died Monday at Amboy, Ill. Mrs. J. M. Thompson of the Ogden apartments, Twelfth street and Mary Place, Minneapolis, died Monday in Amboy, Ill., where she has been for the last three weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank McCreary. Her body was brought to Minneapolis and the funeral was held Wednesday from the home of her son, George E. Thompson. She is survived by her husband, who is in the wholesale hardware business in Minneapolis, and four grown sons and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson came to Minneapolis a few years ago from Owatonna and previously had lived in this city. Interment was in Lakewood cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were well known to many people in this city, having been residents of Northfield for many years. While residing here Mr. Thompson was engaged as a traveling salesman for a hardware firm. Northfield News, June 25, 1915 |
If you are related to any of these people, or have any information about their
time in Northfield, photos of this house, or any other historical material,
I'd love to hear from you; please contact Mark F. Heiman (mheiman [at] loomishouse [dot] net)